Community Channel Youtube Page

I am thrilled to announce that the Community Channel has now dedicated a special Youtube page to the shows for the Bald Explorer. It gets its own nifty url too: which is fabulous! The next three episodes are due to air soon on the channel and I will update you as soon as it […]

Part of the Team

The very nice people at the Community Channel have included the Bald Explorer as valued member of the team. They very kindly added an image of me to their new revamped Youtube page. I feel famous. I have now delivered the next three programmes for transmission on their TV network through the year. The Bald […]

Computer Animation

One of the things that makes the Bald Explorer programmes different to many of the videos you find on the internet is the computer Graphic images that are created for each episode. These help to illustrate perhaps, as an artists impression, what buildings and places might have been like in the period of the story […]

To 2013 and beyond…

During the Christmas holidays I have been away from the Bald Explorer office, but as soon as January is upon us there is much to do. The next three progranmmes for the Community Channel need to be made ready, including a re-edit of the video ‘History You Can Touch’. This was my first foray into […]